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A glimpse of Training Program

Department wise and batch wise diversified training programs are designed and delivered to meet the market needs on various sectors. Comprehensive plan, meticulous periodic assessments made for students to be highly competitive and skilled professionals.

  • 260 hours of training program defined on Aptitude, Reasoning, Verbal and Technical coding skills
  • 300 hours of hands on practise and assessments scheduled on pioneered platforms
  • Personality development and Career guidance by Industry experts
  • Various MNCs company specific training programs to bag offers in the respective organisations
Training Summary 2024-25
S.NoYear of StudySemName of the Training programTraining vendorTrainer Start DateTraining End DateNo of students Attended
1I B.TechI semTraining on Programming for Problem solving with "c"Bytexl19-08-202420-12-20241895
2I B TechI semTraining on AptitudeBytexl19-08-202420-12-20241895
3II B.TechI semTraining in Bridge course on Python ProgrammingCode Tantra16-07-202414-08-2024100
4II B.TechI semTraining on Object-Oriented Programming in javaBytexl19-08-202420-12-20241910
5II B.TechI semTraining on AptitudeBytexl19-08-202420-12-20241910
6II B.TechI semTraining on advanced Java for prime batch-1Code Tantra18-11-202411-12-202492
7II B.TechI semTraining on advanced python for prime batch-2Code Tantra18-11-202411-12-202493
8II B.TechI semTraining on soft skills for prime batch1Code Tantra11-02-202508-03-202593
9II B.TechI semTraining on soft skills for prime batch 2Code Tantra11-02-202508-03-202594
10II B.TechI semTraining on Competitive coding for Logic buildingCode Tantra04-10-202422-10-2024105
11III B TechI semTraining on Python full stackBytexl10-07-202418-11-20241658
12III B TechI semTraining on Advanced python for prime Batch 1Code Tantra04-11-202415-11-2024104
13III B TechI semTraining on Advanced python for prime Batch 2Code Tantra04-11-202415-11-2024117
14IV B.TechI semTechnical training on JavaCode Tantra10-07-202427-08-20241392
15IV B.TechI semTechnical training on PythonCode Tantra10-07-202427-08-20241392
16IV B.TechI semTechnical training on Aptitude & ReasoningCode Tantra15-07-202425-07-20241392
17IV B.TechI semTraining on Advanced Java prime batch 1Code Tantra26-06-202419-07-2024101
18IV B.TechI semTraining on Advanced Java prime batch 2Code Tantra26-06-202419-07-2024116
19IV B.TechI semTraining on Advanced python prime batch 3Code Tantra23-07-202416-08-2024120
20IV B.TechI semTraining on Advanced python prime batch 4Code Tantra23-07-202416-08-2024122
21IV B.TechI semTraining on Competitive Coding for Logic buildingCode Tantra04-10-202422-10-2024109
22IV B.TechI semAccenture company specific training on PythonBytexl29-07-202413-08-2024754
23IV B.TechI semAccenture company specific training on JavaCode Tantra29-07-202418-08-2024935
24IV B.TechI semAccenture company specific training on PythonCode Tantra29-07-202418-08-2024935
25IV B.TechI semTraining on verbal abilityCode Tantra29-07-202418-08-2024935
26IV B.TechI semAccenture company specific training on Aptitude and reasoningBytexl14-08-202417-08-2024752
27I B.TechII semIntroduction to programming II-PythonBytexl22-01-202531-05-20251895
28I B TechII semTraining on AptitudeBytexl22-01-202531-05-20251895
29I B TechII semTraining on C programming and Data StructuresBytexl22-01-202531-05-20251895
30II B.TechII semTraining on Data Base Management SystemBytexl22-01-202531-05-20251910
31II B.TechII semTraining on Foreign language FrenchBytexl22-01-202531-05-20251910
32II B.TechII semTraining on aptitudeBytexl22-01-202531-05-20251910
33II B.TechII semTraining on Advanced Java for prime batch Code Tantra11-02-202508-03-202592
34II B.TechII semTraining on Advanced python for prime batch Code Tantra11-02-202508-03-202593
35III B TechII semTraining on Python full stackCode Tantra16-12-202430-04-20251658
36III B TechII semTraining on AptitudeBytexl16-12-202430-04-20251658
37III B TechII semTraining on Advanced python for prime Batch 1Code Tantra16-12-202430-12-2024104
38III B TechII semTraining on Advanced python for prime Batch 2Code Tantra16-12-202430-12-202482
39III B TechII semTraining on Advanced python for prime Batch 3Code Tantra02-01-202501-02-2025117
40III B TechII semTraining on Advanced python for prime Batch 4Code Tantra02-01-202501-02-2025100
41IV B.TechII semCompany specific training for Lumen hackathonCode wallah02-12-202414-12-2024195
42IV B.TechII semAccenture company specific training on Aptitude and reasoningCode Tantra02-12-202414-12-2024356
43IV B.TechII semInfosys company specific training Code Tantra20-01-202528-01-2025197
44IV B.TechII semCognizant company specific TrainingCode Tantra27-01-202505-02-2025195
Training Summary 2023-24
S.NoYear of the study SemName of the training programTraining vendorTraining Start DateTraining End Date
1I B.TechI semBridge course training on c - programmingSix phrase 04-09-202302-09-2024
2I B.TechI semTraining on C-language Six phrase 11-09-202302-09-2024
3I B TechI semTraining on Aptitude & ReasoningSix phrase 11-09-202302-09-2024
4I B.TechII semTraining on IP Introduction to programming to python Six phrase 19-02-202407-06-2024
5I B TechII semTraining on DS-Data Structurs Six phrase 19-02-202407-06-2024
6I B TechII semTraining on -Aptitude- Verbal Apptitude ReasonongBytexl19-02-202407-06-2024
7II B.TechI semTraining on-introduction of Java Bytexl08-11-202330-12-2023
8II B TechI semTraining on DSA - Data structurs Algorithm Bytexl08-11-202330-12-2023
9II B.TechII semTraining on DBMS-Data base management systemBytexl01-02-202422-06-2024
10III B TechI semTraining on DS- Data structure with C.Bytexl19-07-202316-11-2023
11III B TechI semTraining on on C++ programming language Bytexl19-07-202316-11-2023
12III B TechI semTraining on C-language and JAVA Bytexl19-07-202316-11-2023
13III B TechII semTraining on Python- programming language Bytexl12-11-202320-04-2024
14III B TechII semTraining on Reasoning and AptitudeBytexl12-11-202320-04-2024
15IV B.TechI semTraining onAptitude- reasoning - verbal Bytexl06-05-202311-01-2023
16IV B.TechI semTraining on python - programming language.Bytexl06-05-202311-01-2023
17IV B.TechI semTraining on Aptitude & Reasoning-crtSix phrase 06-05-202311-01-2023
18IV B.TechI semTechnical training-c-Basics , C- Advanced ,Data structure basicsSix phrase 06-05-202311-01-2023
19IV B.TechI semTraining on Python-Accenture company specificSix phrase 06-05-202311-01-2023
20IV B.TechI semTraining onReasoning and Aptitude-Accenture company specificSix phrase 22-08-202331-08-2023
21IV B.TechI semTraining onVerbal Ability-Accenture company specificBytexl22-08-202331-08-2023
22IV B.TechI semTechnical training on Java-Accenture specific Six phrase 21-09-202330-09-2023
23IV B.TechI semTechnical training on python-Accenture specificBytexl22-08-202331-08-2023
24IV B.TechI semTraining on Aptitude-Verbal- and Reasoning Bytexl22-08-202331-08-2023
25IV B.TechI semTraining-Reasoning&ApititudeSix phrase 06-05-202311-01-2023
26IV B.TechI semTraining on Verbal Ability-Accenture company specific training Bytexl06-05-202311-01-2023
27IV B.TechII semTraining on Accenture company Specific training Bytexl12-06-202312-10-2023
28IV B.TechII semTraining on python - programming language.Bytexl11-06-202320-03-2024
29IV B.TechII semTraining on Aptitude & ReasoningBytexl11-06-202320-03-2024
30IV B.TechII semTraining on Competitive Coding Bytexl11-06-202320-03-2024
31IV B.TechII semTraining on Python-Accenture company specificBytexl12-06-202312-10-2023
32IV B.TechII semTraining on Reasoning and Aptitude-Accenture company specificBytexl01-03-202401-11-2024
33IV B.TechII semTraining on Verbal Ability-Accenture company specificBytexl11-06-202320-03-2024
34IV B.TechII semTechnical training in Java-accenture specific Bytexl01-03-202401-11-2024
35IV B.TechII semTraining on python-Accenture company specific.Bytexl02-05-202415-02-2024
36IV B.TechII semTraining on Aptitude-Verbal- and Reasoning Bytexl11-06-202320-03-2024
37IV B.TechII semTraining-Reasoning&ApititudeBytexl11-06-202320-03-2024
38IV B.TechII semTraining on Verbal Ability-Accenture company specificBytexl02-05-202415-02-2024
Training Summary 2022-23
S.NoYear of the study SemName of the training programTraining Start DateTraining End DateNo of students Attended
1I B.Tech I semTraining on C Programing02-11-202211-02-2023949
2I B.Tech I semTraining onPython programing02-11-202211-02-2023569
3I B.Tech II semTraining on C programing20-03-202315-07-2023451
4I B.Tech II semTraining on Python programing20-03-202315-07-20231055
5II B.TechI semTraining on Data Structures and Algorithms Theory26-09-202221-01-20231452
6II B.TechI semTraining on Java Theory26-09-202221-01-20231452
7II B.TechI semTraining on Non Technical 26-09-202221-01-20231452
8II B.TechII semTraining on DBMS Theory27-02-202317-06-2023982
9II B.TechII semTraining on Aptitude27-02-202317-06-2023982
10II B.TechII semTraining on Verbal27-02-202317-06-2023982
11III B.TechI semStrengthening of fundamentals of JAVA08-08-202208-12-20221140
12III B.TechI semStrengthening of fundamentals of Python08-08-202208-12-20221140
13III B.TechI semStrengthening of fundamentals of Data structures08-08-202208-12-20221140
14III B.TechI semTraining on Coding problems - Pre segregation08-08-202208-12-20221140
15III B.TechI semAdvanced coding Foundation course on Coding/ Revision08-08-202208-12-20221140
16III B.TechI semQuantitative aptitude, Logical reasoning and verbal ability - Fundamental08-08-202208-12-20221140
17III B.TechI semTraining on Coding skills 08-08-202208-12-20221121
18III B.TechII semTraining on JAVA Full stack02-01-202328-04-2023180
19III B.TechII semTraining on Advance coding 02-01-202328-04-2023180
20III B.TechII semTraining on Service companies02-01-202328-04-2023180
21III B.TechII semTraining on InfyTQ02-01-202328-04-2023242
22IV B.TechI semCompany specific training program - TCS08-08-202209-12-2022982
23IV B.TechI semCompany specitiv training program - Virtusa Technical Online08-08-202209-12-2022982
24IV B.TechI semCompany specific training program - DXC, HCL08-08-202209-12-2022982
25IV B.TechI semCompany specific training program - Hexaware, TechM08-08-202209-12-2022982
26IV B.TechI semCompany specific training program - Hexaware, TechM08-08-202209-12-2022982
27IV B.TechI semCompany specific training program - IBM, MEIL08-08-202209-12-2022982
28IV B.TechII semTechnical training in Java-accenture specific 02-01-202315-04-2023608
29IV B.TechII semTraining on python-Accenture company specific.02-01-202315-04-2023608
30IV B.TechII semTraining on Aptitude-Verbal- and Reasoning 02-01-202315-04-2023608
31IV B.TechII semTraining-Reasoning&Apititude02-01-202315-04-2023608
32IV B.TechII semTraining on Verbal Ability-Accenture company specific02-01-202315-04-2023608
Training Summary 2021-22
S.NoYear of the study SemName of the training programTraining vendorTraining Start DateTraining End DateNo of students Attended
1I B.Tech I semFundamentals of pythonFACE02-03-202231-03-2022817
2I B.Tech I semC programing lnguage fundamentalsFACE02-03-202231-03-2022119
3I B.Tech II semFundamentals of pythonByteXL05-05-202211-08-2022817
4I B.Tech II semC programing lnguage fundamentalsByteXL05-05-202211-08-2022119
5I B.Tech II semFundamentals Data structures in PythonByteXL05-05-202211-08-2022817
6I B.Tech I semFundamentals Data structures in CByteXL05-05-202211-08-2022119
7I B.Tech II semProblem Solving in Python ByteXL05-05-202211-08-2022817
8I B.Tech II semProblem Solving in C ByteXL05-05-202211-08-2022119
9I B.Tech II semQuantitative aptitude, Logical reasoning and verbal ability - FundamentalByteXL05-05-202211-08-20221263
10II B.TechII semFundamentals of pythonSix phrase05-05-202220-06-2022187
11II B.TechII semC programing lnguage fundamentalsSix phrase05-05-202220-06-2022944
12II B.TechII semFundamentals Data structures in PythonSix phrase27-06-202219-07-2022187
13II B.TechII semFundamentals Data structures in CSix phrase27-06-202219-07-2022944
14II B.TechII semProblem Solving in Python Six phrase20-07-202211-08-2022187
15II B.TechII semProblem Solving in C Six phrase20-07-202311-08-2023944
16III B.TechII semverbal,Quantitative aptitude,reasoning Six phrase05-05-202211-08-2022879
17III B.TechII semStrengthening of Quantitative aptitude,Logical and verbal ability ByteXL07-04-202204-06-2022879
18III B.TechII semFoundation course on coding ByteXL06-04-202216-06-2022879
19IV B.TechI semCompany specific training program - TCSByteXL20-07-202228-07-2022231
20IV B.TechI semTraining on python-Accenture company specific.ByteXL04-08-202216-08-2022189
21IV B.TechI semCompany specitiv training program - Virtusa Technical OnlineByteXL04-08-202216-08-2022135
22IV B.TechII semTraining on Verbal Ability-Accenture company specificByteXL03-09-202215-03-2022200


Vengamukkapalem, Ongole

Prakasam District - 523272

Phone: +91 92464 19542

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Fax: +91 92464 19542

Email: principal@qiscet.edu.in


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